Interview with Madeddu Salvatore

My whole life is connected with Sardinia. 

My parents are from Gallura, I myself was born and raised in Arzachena. I am closely connected with this city and I'm not getting tired to be surprised: the scents of the Sardinian spring are still exciting.

From the age of 14, I began to help my father - he was engaged in agricultural machinery. Thanks to him, I mastered the welding technique and constructed my first furnace. I mastered the art of forging by myself, almost blindfolded. In 1994 I forged an iron figure of Christ - and from this moment I count down my professional experience. I always work alone, so I can truly create.

After all, this is not just a craft. Almost all of my works are individual orders that can not be recreated. Sometimes I get some suggestions on sketches, but more often customers trust my experience and fantasy. Usually, I go to a place and there I understand what stylistics and forging technique will suit.

Feeling the energy of the place is a necessity - otherwise, it won't work out in Sardinia! Even half a kilometer is important, and if we are talking about a villa - this dwelling should be unique, proportionate and harmonious to the environment. A place will tell everything tells. Therefore, in my works, I use not only iron, copper or steel, but also juniper, wild olive tree, glass ... That's how decor elements were created for Villa Perla - the surrounding natural diversity determined the use of different techniques and materials. The proximity of the nuraghi and the famous "Grave of the Giants" prompted a solution for small plastics - and figures of forged warriors settled in the house in Neolithic style.

I'm not chasing fashion; I'm not interested in it. What has been done with the soul, will survive the centuries - it's beautiful in any era. The secret of longevity of sards is to take your time and do everything. Do what you really like. This is a special rhythm of life, which you enter only here. I traveled a lot as a tourist and, returning home, I always feel with renewed vigor this wonderful gift of Sardinia. Only here you are truly in harmony with yourself.
